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PM Modi calls upon people to fight menace of corruption collectively

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that India has a strict policy of zero tolerance against corruption and called upon the people to fight it collectively. Addressing the G20 Anti-Corruption Ministerial Meeting meeting at Kolkata virtually, Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed India’s strong commitment to eradicating corruption and fostering transparency in governance.
Prime Minister Modi underlined that India was leveraging technology and e-governance to create a transparent and accountable ecosystem. He said that the impact of corruption is felt most by the poor and the marginalised people. He added that corruption affects the allocation of resources, markets and diminishes the quality of life of people.
Mr. Modi said, the Government is aggressively pursuing economic offenders and enacted the Economic Offenders Act, and has recovered assets worth over 1.8 billion dollars from economic offenders and fugitives. The Prime Minister said Welfare scheme leakages have been plugged and 360 billion dollars given to people through direct transfers in the country.

The Prime Minister also drew inspiration from poet laureate Rabindranath Tagore and issued a cautionary note against the corrosive impact of greed on truth and integrity. He also urged for fortified international collaboration in law enforcement to eliminate potential legal loopholes exploited by cross-border criminals.