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PM Modi addresses ECSWG meeting in Chennai; calls for enhanced actions under Paris Agreement

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that protecting and caring for mother earth has taken the shape of climate action in the country today. He emphasised upon ensuring the development of the last person in society. He said, countries of the global south are particularly affected by climate change and environmental issues. The Prime Minister recalled the need for enhanced actions and commitments under the UN Climate Convention at the Paris Agreement.

In a video message at the concluding session of 4th Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group meeting (ECSWG) in Chennai today, the Prime Minister stressed upon the importance of environmental protection and reiterated the country's unwavering commitment to combating climate change issues.

He said that India led the way to cleaner energy through its ambitious nationally determined contributions. He mentioned about India’s achievement on installed electric capacity on non- fossil fuel sources nine years ahead of the target of 2030, and setting the bar even higher through updated targets. 

 PM addressed the gathering by quoting Tirukural saying, even the wealth of the wide sea will be diminished, if the cloud that has drawn its waters up, does not gives them back again. He mentioned that in India, nature and its ways have been regular sources of learning. These are found in several scriptures as well as oral traditions. Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Bhupendra Yadhav and Troika countries Ministers from Indonesia and Brazil also addressed the meeting. Two technical sessions are planned today on the themes of climate change, Blue Economy, Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy, Land and Biodiversity and Water Resource Management.