Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held a telephonic conversation with Indian athletes who have clinched a medal in the ongoing Paris Paralympic as of now. The athletes included bronze medallists Mona Agarwal, Preeti Pal, Rubina Francis, and silver medallist Manish Narwal. PM Modi congratulated each of the winners and said they have made the country proud with their performances.
On the fourth day of the 2024 Paralympics, the Indian contingent continued to perform well. Indian shuttler Nithya Sre Sumathy Sivan is just one win away from securing a medal for India after reaching the women’s singles SH6 semifinals.
Another Para shuttler Manisha booked a semi-final clash with compatriot Thulasimathi Murugesan, guaranteeing India a medal in the event.
Para-archer Rakesh Kumar advanced to the Men’s Individual Compound Open quarterfinals defeating Ken Swagumilang of Indonesia in the 1/8 elimination round shoot-off.
Preethi Pal, a silver medalist in the Women’s 100m T35 event, will aim to continue her strong performance in the Women’s 200m T35 event.
Shooter Avani Lekhara, who won a gold medal in the individual round, was eliminated in the Mixed 10m Air Rifle Prone SH1 event along with compatriot Sidhartha Babu.