At Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, over three crores 50 lakh devotees and pilgrims have taken a holy dip during Makar Sankranti Amrit Snan today at Triveni Sangam. Millions of devotees and saints are attending the Amrit Snan. On the occasion of Makar Sankranti, the Mahamandaleswars of different Akharas had Amrit Snan.
The rituals are going on smoothly. After the holy dip, devotees performed rituals and offered prayers at the ghats. Upholding tradition, they also engaged in charity, deepening the festival’s sanctity. People also participated in the Ganga Aarti in large numbers this morning.
Akashvani correspondent reported that flower petals were showered on devotees and pilgrims by helicopters.