National Testing Agency (NTA) has issued advance intimation slip for the allotment of examination city to the applicants who are appearing for the second session of the JEE Mains exam this year. The session two of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains is scheduled to be conducted from 4th of April to 12th of April at various centres across three hundred nineteen cities throughout the country including twenty two cities outside India. The exams will be held in two shifts each day. The first shift will be held from 9 AM to 12 noon and the second shift will be held from 3 PM to 6 PM in the evening. However, the exam which is scheduled to be held on 12th of April will be conducted in the morning shift only. The candidates can check and download their examination city through NTA’s website using their application number and date of birth. The agency in a statement also noted that this examination city intimation slip cannot be used as the admit card by the candidates. It said, this is the advance information for the allotment of the city where the examination centre will be located.
News On AIR | March 28, 2024 2:04 PM
NTA issues advance intimation slip for allotment of examination city for second session of JEE Mains exam