The Notifications have been issued today for the 13 Lok Sabha constituencies of Rajasthan under the second phase of the election. With the notification, nomination process will be started from today on Tonk Sawai Madhopur, Ajmer, Pali, Jodhpur, Barmer, Jalore, Udaipur, Banswara, Chittorgarh, Rajsamand, Bhilwara, Kota and Baran- Jhalawar seats. The notification for the byelection on Bagidora assembly constituency has also been issued, where by-poll will take place with a second phase. Meanwhile, the nomination process was completed yesterday for the 12 Lok sabha seats of the state for the first phase of election.
A total of 131 Candidates have filed nominations at the 12 Lok Sabha constituencies for the first phase of election. Maximum 17 candidates have submitted their nomination papers on Jaipur Rural Lok Sabha seat whereas Just Four candidates have filed nominations for Karauli Dholpur Lok Sabha Seat. Sixteen candidates each have filed nominations on Churu, Sikar and Jaipur Lok Sabha Seats. Scrutiny of nomination papers will take place today. Meanwhile, the election campaign has been kicked off with the nominations and candidates have set up their offices for campaigning.- Jitendra Dwivedi, Akashwani News, Jaipur.