In Madhya Pradesh, None of the Above, NOTA, has created a new record in Indore in the Lok Sabha election results. For the first time in the electoral history of the country, NOTA has received so many votes. According to the information so far, NOTA has received 1 lakh 55 thousand votes. At the same time, BJP candidate Shankar Lalwani from Indore is going to create a new record by winning by about 7 lakh votes. So far, the record of the highest NOTA in the country is in the name of Gopalganj in Bihar. In the 2019 elections, NOTA registered 51,660 votes. In the polling held in Indore on May 13, out of a total of 25 lakh 27 thousand voters, 61.75% people voted. A total of 14 candidates are in the fray for this seat.
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