National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested one more accused in connection with Rameshwaram Café blast case. According to the NIA, thirty-five year old Shoaib Ahmed Mirza, a resident of Hubbali City, Karnataka, is the fifth accused who has been arrested in the case. The accused, identified as an ex-convict in a Lashkar-e-Taiba terror conspiracy case.
NIA investigations revealed that Mirza, who was convicted earlier in Lashkar-e-Taiba Bengaluru conspiracy case, had got involved in this fresh conspiracy after being released from jail. In 2018, he befriended and introduced accused Abdul Matheen Taha to an online handler. Mirza had further provided an e-mail ID for encrypted communication between the handler and Abdul Matheen Taha, who was arrested earlier in April this year from his hideout in Kolkata along with co-accused Mussavir Hussain Shazib.
NIA has so far conducted extensive searches at 29 locations across the country in connection with Rameshwaram Café Blast which took place in March this year.