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March 17, 2025 9:23 PM


Nepal’s HoR passes bill on promotion of good governance and delivery of public service

In today’s meeting, Nepal’s House of Representatives passed the ‘Bill to amend some Nepal Acts relating to Promotion of Good Governance and Delivery of Public Service, 2081’ by a majority. On the occasion, Minister for Communications and Information Technology Prithvi Subba Gurung presented the proposal in Parliament to pass the bill on behalf of PM Oli. He said that the government brought the bill to ensure good governance by delivering easy and accessible service to make the country’s public administration people-oriented, accountable and transparent as per the general people’s wish. The issues not incorporated in the Act would be amended through regulations, directives and procedures. The Communications Minister opined that the ministry was in the process of making directives for the reliability of the Citizen App, security and privacy of data.

The amendment was made to twelve Acts including Good Governance (Management and Operation) Act, 2064, Local Government Operations Act, 2074 and Health Insurance Act, 2074, through this bill.