The Government of Nepal is hosting the first Sagarmatha Sambaad in Kathmandu from 16 to 18 May 2025 on ‘Climate Change, Mountains and the Future of Humanity.’ Sagarmatha Sambad is a Flagship Dialogue biennial event to be organised by the government of Nepal, through which Nepal plans to lead Voices for Mountains globally. It expects to draw global leaders involving heads of state/government, parliamentarians, policymakers and local governments, as well as leaders from intergovernmental organisations, the private sector, civil society, think tanks, academia, women, youths and media to discuss ways of cooperation, exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences on prominent global issues.
Through the Sagarmatha Dialogue, Nepal is attempting more open dialogues to address contemporary issues and reach a consensus on the ways forward to addressing loss and damage in the mountains and carbon financing. In the three days of dialogue, the urgency of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C as per the Paris Agreement, community-led climate initiatives in the mountains, harnessing clean energy, and mountain risk assessment and monitoring will be highlighted through various parallel sessions.
According to the ADB Report, Nepal is among the top five countries that are vulnerable to climate change. Climate change is not just a global challenge but a global threat; damage to the environment at the local level has an impact globally. Sagarmatha Sambad is the event that is expected to complement the COP30 to be organised in Brazil in November this year and the International Convention of Glacier Preservation that will be organised in the Republic of Tajikistan from May 29 to June 01, 2025.