Cashless treatment of accident victims’ scheme will be launched across the country soon. Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari said this in the Lok Sabha in a reply during the Question Hour today. The minister said, the scheme prevailing in six states will be soon launched in UP and later in the rest of the country. The scheme enables the victims of the road accidents to avail cashless treatment of upto 1.5 lakh rupees in the hospitals. Expressing concern at the growing number of accidents on highways, the Minister requested the members to set up Accident Prevention Committees at every district to look into reasons leading to such road accidents. He informed that Uttar Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh account for the highest number of road accidents. Among the cities Delhi, Bengaluru and Jaipur have recorded the highest accidents. Saying that 30 per cent of the road accident victims die due to delay in early treatment, the minister said that cashless treatment scheme has saved 2100 lives in six states where the scheme is being implemented now.