Election campaigning is at its peak in Madhya Pradesh for the remaining phases of Lok Sabha polls. Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah addressed public meetings in Ashoknagar and Rajgarh Lok Sabha constituencies on Friday. Mr. Shah said, the BJP-led government at the Centre will implement a Uniform Civil Code in the country as it is a guarantee of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He accused the Congress of advocating personal laws. Mr Shah said the Modi government has ended Naxalism and terrorism in the country.
State Congress President Jitu Patwari, Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha and former Union Minister Arun Yadav are campaigning in Burhanpur today. They accused the BJP of raising controversial issues to divert attention from basic issues like unemployment and inflation.
News On AIR | April 26, 2024 3:57 PM