In Mizoram, Chief Electoral Officer Madhup Vyas expressed the hope that the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls would be peaceful as was the last parliamentary elections. Speaking to Akashvani News this afternoon, Madhup Vyas said that Mizoram has a history of clean, free, fair and peaceful elections. He expressed the hope that the state would create another history of peaceful, free and fair elections this time as well. The Chief Electoral Officer said that the State Election Department is taking up all measures leaving nothing to chance for ensuring clean, peaceful, free and fair elections.
Madhup Vyas said that voting will take place in 1276 polling stations across the state on April 19. He said that apart from 3000 state police personnel, 12 Companies of Central Armed Police Forces would be deployed for security purposes during the Lok Sabha elections. Meanwhile, campaigning is heating up across the state as the polling date draws nearer with all major political parties and candidates reaching out to voters to cast their votes in their favour. All together, six candidates are trying their political fortunes to win the lone Lok Sabha seat of Mizoram. More than 8 lakh voters will exercise their franchise in the first phase of polling on April 19.