The much-awaited Namo Bharat Train also called the Rapid Train started its operations between Meerut South and Ghaziabad with the Regional Rapid Transit System yesterday. The train began its journey from Meerut South station at about 2 pm and covered a distance of 42 km up to Sahibabad station in just 32 minutes.
With the addition of this 8 km additional section, a total of 42 km of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) corridor is now operational, covering 9 stations from Sahibabad in Ghaziabad to Meerut South.
NaMo Bharat trains will be available for passengers from 6 am to 10 pm on the entire section from Sahibabad to Meerut South. The fare for a journey from Sahibabad to Meerut South railway station varies from 110 rupees for travel in standard coach to 220 rupees for premium class coach.