In Maharashtra, Maratha quota activist Manoj Jarange ended his hunger strike today after Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde held a meeting with him. He has been on hunger strike since August 29, demanding reservation for his community. Mr. Shinde, accompanied by some of his ministerial colleagues, visited Antarwali Sarati village in Jalna district, where the protest was on, and met Jarange in the morning. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister announced that his government is committed to providing reservation to the Maratha community. Manoj Jarange ended his fast by drinking a glass of juice offered by Mr Shinde.
The Bombay High Court yesterday asked the Maharashtra government to ensure that law and order was maintained and the "health" of the protesters too was not harmed. A division bench of Chief Justice D K Upadhyaya and Justice Arun Pednekar was hearing a public interest litigation regarding the ongoing protests by members of the Maratha community. Advocate General Birendra Saraf, appearing for the state, assured that the government has taken various steps on the issue and also persuaded Jarange to break his fast.