Manipur celebrated the 78th Independence Day today. Chief Minister N.Biren Singh hoisted the national tri-colour flag and took salute of a march past parade at 1st Manipur Rifles Parade Ground in Imphal,. Addressing the function, Mr Biren said the citizens have a big role to play in making India an advanced and developed country. He lauded the active role played by freedom fighters of Manipur during the colonial struggle. He said that his Government has been taking various steps to restore peace, improve health care, and education, and provide livelihood to the people. Taking special reference to the internally displaced persons, the Chief Minister said his Government has initiated 46 different schemes under which Four Lakh beneficiaries had benefited. He appealed to the people to join hands together and work to re-establish peace, normalcy, and communal harmony.
The 78th Independence Day was also celebrated at all district and sub-divisional headquarters where the national flag was hoisted and various programmes including march-past parade and cultural programmes were held.