Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said that the Maharashtra State government is trying to make the underprivileged self-reliant by providing vocational training along with technical education. He was speaking at Nagpur yesterday during the 'Government at your doorstep' programme, which was organised for citizens belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes, Nomadic Tribes, and Other Backward Classes. He said that if an ideal village can be created, no one will leave the village and run to the city, so there is a plan to create such an ideal village.
While addressing the function virtually, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said that he is determined to make the State free of homeless in the next three years. He informed that five lakh houses have been planned for the beneficiaries of Scheduled Castes and tribes, three lakhs for Other Backward Classes under Awas Yojana, and two lakhs for Unprivileged and Nomadic Tribes and others.