The Election Commission of India announced that Maharashtra has secured the third position in the country addressing 98 per cent of the grievances about Lok Sabha elections. From Maharashtra, the commission received 14,753 complaints through its website, out of which the State Election Machinery effectively resolved 14,368 cases.
Nagaland has secured first place followed by Gujarat. Nagaland received 18 complaints, while Gujarat received 7,124 complaints regarding the Lok Sabha elections.
In Maharashtra, Pune district recorded the highest number of cases, with 2,818 registered, followed by Mumbai Suburban with 2,331 cases, and Thane with 2,183 cases. Among these, most cases are related to issues such as non-receipt of Election voting ID cards, delays in processing changes to voter IDs, rejected applications for new voter IDs, and names not found in the voter list. Citizens also lodged complaints against the various apps of the Election Commission and political parties.