In Madhya Pradesh, the election process for 29 Lok Sabha seats will be conducted in 4 phases. Various materials worth more than 14 crore and 22 lakh rupees have been seized so far by the police and other enforcement agencies in the state in connection with the Lok Sabha elections. More from our correspondent;
Akashvani correspondent reports that in Madhya Pradesh, voting will be conducted by women polling personnel at three thousand 500 polling stations. Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan informed that the entire polling team deployed at these polling stations will be of women only.
In Madhya Pradesh, the voting process for the first phase will be completed on 19 April while for the second phase on 26 April, for the third phase on 7 May and for the fourth and final phase will be complete on 13 May. The results of all phases of counting will be declared on 4th June. More than 5 crore 63 lakh 60 thousand voters of the state will exercise their franchise in the elections. These include more than 2 crore 89 lakh 51 thousand male and around 2 crore 73 lakh 87 thousand female voters.