In Madhya Pradesh, voting will be held in four phases for 29 Lok Sabha seats in the State. The nomination process has been completed for six seats in the first phase, while nomination papers are being filed for seven seats in the second phase.
Akashvani’s correspondent reports that in Madhya Pradesh, the picture of the contest on 25 out of 29 Lok Sabha seats has almost become clear. BJP has declared its candidates on all the seats. Congress has not yet declared its candidates for three seats. The party has left one seat for the Samajwadi Party.
The BJP has given a chance to new faces on 11 seats, while Congress has fielded new candidates on 18 Lok Sabha seats. There are also seven Lok Sabha constituencies where the contest will be between new candidates of both parties. Bharatiya Janata Party has given tickets to six women, while Congress has fielded one woman candidate so far.
In Madhya Pradesh, about one crore 12 lakh voters will choose their representatives on six seats in the first phase and more than one crore three lakh voters will choose their leaders on 7 seats in the second phase. In the third phase, 1 crore 60 lakh voters will vote for eight Lok Sabha seats, while in the fourth and final phase, more than 1.5 crore voters will vote for eight Lok Sabha seats.