The Lok Sabha today took up the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Tribes in Assembly Constituencies of the State of Goa Bill, 2024 for consideration and passing. The bill aims at enabling the reservation of seats for effective democratic participation of members of Scheduled Tribes and to provide for the readjustment of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa. Union Minister of Law and Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal moved the bill in the House. Moving the bill in the House, Mr Meghwal said that the bill has been brought with the intention of granting reservation to Scheduled Tribes to ensure their representation in the Goa Assembly.
He said, the population of STs have significantly increased from 566 in 2001 to around over one lakh 49 thousand now in the State. Initiating the discussion on the bill, Captain Viriato Fernandes of Congress said that the bill proposes a readjustment in the representation of STs in Assembly Constituencies of Goa as there is no reserved seat for this community at present. He said, Congress party has been trying to give justice to the tribal communities for many years.
Dhaval Laxmanbhai Patel of BJP accused the Congress of misleading the tribal communities and not taking any concrete step for the welfare and development of the tribal people. He said it was the BJP government in Goa in 2013 which had passed a resolution in the Assembly seeking approval of Parliament to allow representation of STs in Goa Assembly.
Chhotelal of SP raised the issue of caste census saying that it is necessary for the upliftment of the poor.
Pratima Mondal of TMC said that the bill should include a specific timeline for the completion of delimitation process and the implementation of seat adjustment to ensure timely justice.
Other members including D M Kathir Anand of DMK, Supriya Sule of NCP , Dr Krisan Namdeo of Congress and Tapir Gao of BJP participated in the discussion. However, the discussion on the bill remained inconclusive. Later the House was adjourned for the day.