Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha congratulated the youngest World Chess Champion D Gukesh for his remarkable feat. The 18-year-old teenager won the World Chess Championship after bearing China’s Ding Liren in a closely fought clash yesterday. Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar said his profound acclaim has reverberated beyond the chess board. It complements India’s meteoric rise in every field on the global horizon. He said this victory epitomizes resurgent India’s young titans to dominate on the world stage. He added that this achievement strengthens the country’s resolve to bid for the Olympics 2036. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla conveyed his greetings to D Gukesh for being the youngest World Chess Champion. He emphasized that it will be a source of inspiration for the young players in the country. He added that this has delighted the entire country and brought laurels to the nation.
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