The Lok Sabha has been adjourned for the day following opposition ruckus on BJP MP Nishikant Dubey’s allegation against Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi and other Congress leaders. During Zero Hour, Mr Dubey repeated yesterday’s allegations that a US-based investor, a foreign media platform and the Congress are trying to derail India’s success story. When the BJP MP was allowed to speak, opposition parties led by Congress created an uproar leading to the adjournment of the House for the day.
Earlier, when the House met for the day, opposition members including those from Congress created noisy scenes. Speaker Om Birla urged the members to allow the House to take up the Question Hour but they did not pay heed. Amid the din, Mr Birla asserted the House would run as per the rules and decorum. As the uproar continued, the House was adjourned till 12 Noon.