The Lok Sabha has been adjourned for the day following opposition ruckus after BJP MP Nishikant Dubey made certain allegations against top Congress leaders as well as on the issue of Sambhal violence. When the house met at 3 PM after adjournment, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishaw tried to reply on the Railways (Amendment) Bill, 2024. But opposition MPs continued the uproar and the house was adjourned for the day.
During the Zero Hour, Mr. Dubey, while citing a report by a French publication, said such forces are trying to derail the Indian Parliament and the country’s economy. He alleged that Congress leaders including Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi and some other opposition leaders post such reports on their social media handles. The members from Congress, DMK and others created uproar in the House on the issue of alleged bribery charges against a prominent business group and on Sambhal violence. As the ruckus continued in the House, the Speaker adjourned it till 2 PM.