The Lok Sabha was today adjourned for the day while the Rajya Sabha faced three adjournments following opposition protest over the alleged irregularities in the NEET examination. When the Lok Sabha assembled after the first adjournment at 12 Noon, Congress members started sloganeering demanding resignation of Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan over the issue. Members from Congress, DMK, TMC, Samajwadi Party and others trooped into the well. Speaker Om Birla said a committee has been formed to look into the issue. He said, not allowing the House to function in a pre-planned manner is not right for Parliamentary democracy. He said the members can raise the issue during the discussion on Motion of Thanks on the President’s address. Rejecting opposition’s demand for discussion over the NEET issue, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju said, there has not been tradition to allow any discussion during the period when discussion on motion of thanks on President’s address to the joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament is scheduled. He accused Congress and other opposition parties of undermining the dignity of the House. Mr. Rijiju said, the government is ready to respond to any issue to be raised during the discussion on President Droupdai Murmu’s address. As ruckus prevailed, the House was adjourned for the day.
Earlier, when the House met this morning, Speaker Om Birla disallowed the adjournment notices moved by the opposition parties over the issue. Opposition parties including Congress, DMK, TMC and Samajwadi Party raised the issue of alleged irregularities in NEET exam and sought a discussion over it in the House. The Speaker Om Birla said, during the discussion on the President’s address, the members can raise their issues and it is expected that the government will answer all the issues. Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi said, they want to give a message to the students that this is an important issue and discussion must be held on it. As the Speaker continued with the scheduled business of the day, members from opposition parties including Congress, DMK, TMC and Samajwadi Party trooped into the well. Amid pandemonium the House was adjourned till 12 Noon.
The Rajya Sabha also witnessed ruckus over the NEET issue. When the House reassembled after the first adjournment at 12 noon, the opposition parties including Congress, TMC, DMK, Aam Aadmi Party and others again started raising slogans against the government over the NEET issue. Continuing discussion over the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address, BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi highlighted the achievements of the government. Amid ruckus, Leader of the House J P Nadda asserted that the government is ready to listen and reply on the NEET issue, however, the opposition’s intention was to disrupt the proceedings of the House. Former Prime Minister and JD(S) leader HD Deve Gowda also said that without the completion of enquiry, responsibility cannot be fixed. He said, the government has already ordered a CBI enquiry and all should wait for the report.
Along with protesting members, Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge also trooped into the well protesting over the NEET issue. Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar expressed anguish over the conduct of Mr. Kharge saying that it has happened for the first time that Leader of Opposition entered into the well. Amid pandemonium, the House was adjourned till 2 PM. When the House reassembled at 2 PM, the scene was no different as opposition members continued with their protest. During the protest, Congress MP Phulo Devi Netam fainted in the House and was rushed to hospital. Following this the House was adjourned till 2.30 PM. Opposition parties led by congress staged a walkout from the Upper House. When the House re-assembled, the Chairman informed that the Congress MP is recovering and she will be in the hospital for a few hours for some tests. He added that officials of Rajya Sabha are there in the hospital.
The Rajya Sabha has taken up discussion today on the motion of thanks on the President Dropoudi Murmu’s address amidst opposition’s ruckus on the NEET issue. A total of 21 hours have been allotted for the discussion. Initiating the discussion, BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi highlighted the success of the Narendra Modi government during the last 10 years. Referring to the recent Lok Sabha elections, he said that the NDA has got more vote shares in the Southern states in comparison to the Congress party. The BJP MP added that the Congress party failed to get three digit marks in Lok Sabha in the third attempt. Mr. Trivedi said that India has become the third largest economy in the world leaving behind Great Britain. Mr. Trivedi said that the NDA government has distributed 34 crore LED bulbs and the government is committed to green energy generation. BJP MPs Rakesh Sinha, Bhim Singh, YSR Congress MP Golla Baburao among others also took part in the discussion.
Earlier in the morning, when the Rajya Sabha met for the day, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar disallowed the adjournment notices moved by opposition MPs saying President Droupadi Murmu in her address to the joint sitting of both the houses mentioned about fair investigation and strict punishment to the culprits of paper leaks. Mr. Dhankhar said, members will have ample opportunities to discuss the issue when the House will take up discussion on motion of thanks on President’s address. Pramod Tiwari of Congress said, 25 lakh students are on street over the issue. Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge said, in the last seven years, 70 papers leaks incidents happened. He demanded discussion over the issue. Following this, opposition members from Congress, SP, DMK, TMC, Left, Aam Aadmi Party, RJD and others created noisy scenes. Amid ruckus the Chairman tried to initiate the discussion over the President’s address. Protesting members came into the well on which the Chairman said, he will be forced to name the members. As the ruckus continued the House was adjourned till 12 noon.
In the morning, both the houses paid obituaries on the recent demise of some former MPs. TMC MP Nurul Islam took oath in the Lok Sabha.