Lakshadweep, the country’s smallest Lok Sabha constituency, in terms of number of voters, will go to polls in the first phase of General Elections. The UT has one Lok Sabha constituency which is reserved for Scheduled Tribes (ST). As the campaign ended last evening, a silent campaign is ongoing in the constituency.
Four candidates are in the fray. The Incumbent MP and NCP Sharad Pawar party candidate, Mohammad Faisal, Former MP and Congress candidate Hamdulillah Sayed, the BJP supported NCP Ajit Pawar party candidate TP Yusuf and independent candidate K. Koya are contesting for the single Lok Sabha seat in Lakshadweep. The Chief Electoral Officer of the Union Territory informed that all polling and security arrangements have been made including special facilities for differently abled.
55 booths have been set up across 10 islands for 57,784 eligible voters in the UT