In Karnataka, some prominent candidates filed their nominations today for the second phase of the Lok Sabha election to be held on the 26th of April. BJP Yuva Morcha National President Tejasvi Surya filed his nomination from Bangalore South constituency. He is the sitting MP from the constituency. JD(S) State President and former Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy filed his nomination from the Mandya Lok Sabha segment and his brother-in-law Dr C N Manjunath filed his nomination as BJP candidate from Bangalore Rural segment. In Tumkur’s seat, former MP and Congress candidate Muddahanumegowda filed his nomination today. Congress Chitradurga candidate B N Chandrappa and his opponent from BJP and former Minister Govind Karjol filed their papers to contest the seat. JD(S) candidates Mallesh Babu from Kolar and Deve Gowda’s grandson Prajwal Revanna from Hassan also filed their nominations today. As part of the seat-sharing deal, BJP is contesting from 25 constituencies and JD(S) on three seats in the State. As many as 14 out of 28 Lok Sabha seats will be going to the polls in this phase in Karnataka.
News On AIR | April 4, 2024 8:27 PM