The Government of Karnataka has submitted a claim of 4860 crore rupees to the Inter-Ministerial Central Team which is on a four-day visit to the State to study the drought situation in 195 Taluks. The claim report says that the state has incurred agriculture crop loss over 39.74 lakh hectares valued at over 27867 crore rupees and horticulture crop loss over 1.82 lakh hectares valued at 2565 crore rupees.
Along with livestock and other losses, the total loss incurred is estimated at 30,432 crore rupees. The state has sought compensation under NDRF norms amounting to 4860 crores. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah held a discussion with the Central Team and asked them to safeguard the interest of the farmers hit by drought. He told them that the South West Monsoon has failed in the state thereby leading to crop loss. Sowing was done on 90 percent of land and standing crops over 42 lakh hectares are lost due to drought. He informed the team that rain during the month of August was the least in the last 122 years, resulting in the reservoirs having depleted. He told the team that 33 TMC Cauvery River water is needed for drinking purposes.