The election campaign for the second phase of the Lok Sabha election has intensified in Karnataka, where elections will be held on 14 seats in the southern part of the state. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is arriving in the state this afternoon. He will address a public rally near Chokkahalli village in Chickballapur district and another at Bengaluru Palace grounds in the evening. He will campaign for the party candidates in six constituencies in both places. The JD(S), which has a coalition with the BJP, has fielded its candidate from Kolar and will be joining the public rally of the Prime Minister today. Congress has been campaigning in this region, with Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and D K Shivakumar both sharing the stage with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in Kolar a few days ago. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is campaigning in Mysore and Mandya constituencies, while D. K. Shivakumar is campaigning in Mandya today.
News On AIR | April 20, 2024 11:43 AM