In Karnataka, a few EVMs developed a hitch for a brief period which slowed down the voting process for sometime. At a booth in Dakshina Kannada district near Mulki, voting was delayed because of inking the wrong finger. Apart from these, the polling continues as voters throng the booths despite the sweltering heat. Prominent among those who cast their vote in Karnataka were former Prime Minister Deve Gowda and his family members, union minister Nirmala Sitharaman, IT Industry icon Narayana Murthy and his wife, Rajya Sabha member Sudha Murthy, cricketers Rahul Dravid and Anil Kumble and actors Prakash Raj, Ganesh, Raghavendra Rajkumar and family among others.
A 94 year old ex-serviceman Air Marshal P V Iyer reaching the polling booth in the morning to cast his vote in a wheelchair was a picture of inspiration to others. A few hotels offering food for free or at discounted rates to those showing their inked fingers was something unique in Bengaluru.