Prime Minister Narendra Modi today met the family of legendary filmmaker Raj Kapoor to commemorate his life and legacy ahead of his birth centenary on 14th December in Delhi. The Kapoor family invited the prime minister to the Raj Kapoor Film Festival, which will be held from the 13th to the 15th of this month in 40 cities. The Prime Minister hailed the filmmaker’s contribution to the nation, saying that he established India’s soft power in the world at a time when the term itself was not coined.
The Prime Minister urged the Kapoor family to make a movie, especially catering to Central Asia, about Raj Kapoor, who is still mesmerising the people there even after so many years. He added that Raj Kapoor had an impact on their lives. Mr. Modi highlighted to the family that there was a huge potential for Indian cinema in Central Asia and there was a need to work towards tapping the same. He added that efforts must be put into making Indian cinema reach the new generations in Central Asia and urged the family to create a movie that would act as a link.
Recollecting the power of cinema, Mr. Modi cited an incident when the erstwhile Jan Sangh party had lost the elections in Delhi. The leaders then decided to watch Raj Kapoor’s movie ‘Phir Subah Hogi. He noted that the party has now seen the dawn again.