In Jammu and Kashmir, the second phase of voting for the 18th Lok Sabha Elections concluded peacefully in Jammu Parliamentary Constituency on Friday. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that despite scorching hot weather, enthusiastic voters from Jammu, Samba, Reasi, and Rajouri came out in record numbers to cast their ballots. Long queues formed at polling stations as people eagerly waited for their turn, with youth and first-time voters excitedly participating in this festival of democracy. The district of Jammu, along with Samba, Reasi, and a part of Rajouri district, witnessed a remarkable voter turnout of 71.91%. This high participation reflects voters’ unwavering commitment and deep faith in the democratic system, contributing to a flourishing society.
Voting was held across 2416 polling stations, all equipped with necessary facilities. Additionally, 1364 polling stations were live webcasted and more than 15 thousand polling staff performed the poll duty. At each polling station, basic amenities such as water, electricity, toilets, ramps, and waiting rooms were provided to ensure smooth and successful elections. Wheelchairs and helpers were also available for voters in need. To promote inclusive voting, 10 polling booths referred to as pink polling stations were managed by women, 10 by specially-abled persons, and nine by youths. Twelve green polling stations were established to raise awareness about environmental concerns. Chief Electoral Officer, J&K, Pandurang K. Pole congratulated all the first-time voters and expressed gratitude towards all the voters for their enthusiastic participation in the polling for the second phase of the General Elections. He also complimented the polling personnel engaged in the election process for the successful conduct of the second phase of elections in J&K.