In Jammu and Kashmir, thousands of Kashmiri Pandits thronged the revered Kheer Bhawani temple dedicated to Ragnya Devi in Tulmulla area of Ganderbal district on the occasion of Mela Kheer Bhawani festival which is being celebrated with religious fervor. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that thousands of Kashmiri Pandit devotees had started arriving at the famous Kheer Bhawani temple since Wednesday after a warm welcome by administration and locals to celebrate the annual festival. Nestled in the shade of mammoth Chinar trees, the temple witnessed massive crowds of devotees, who had come from various parts of the state and outside the state. Meanwhile, the Ganderbal district administration has made elaborate arrangements for the devotees and smooth mela Kheer Bhawani. Police, CAPF and army have also been deployed for a secure and peaceful Mela Kheer Bhawani. Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha is expected to visit Kheer Bhawani temple to pay obeisance. The annual Kheer Bhawani Mela, celebrated on Zeisht Ashtami is being held at the shrines of Tulmulla in Ganderbal, Tikker in Kupwara, Laktipora Aishmuqam in Anantnag, Mata Tripursundri Devsar in Kulgam, and Mata Kheerbhawani Manzgam also in Kulgam. This year, an estimated 80 thousand migrant Kashmiri Pandits from various parts of India and abroad are expected to visit the five renowned temples in the Valley during the annual fair. This is the biggest festival of Hindus in Kashmir after Amarnath yatra and holds immense significance in J&K.
Site Admin | June 14, 2024 8:16 PM