In Jammu and Kashmir with Jammu experiencing a heatwave and temperatures predicted to soar further in the coming days in Jammu, the Jambu Zoo authorities have initiated a series of measures to help the animals beat the heat. Akashvani Correspondent reports that the Jambu Zoo is situated at Khanpur, Nagrota, on the outskirts of Jammu City and is spread over an area of 162 hectares (3200 kanals).
The Zoo authorities have installed water coolers outside the enclosures of bears and lions, and water sprinklers have been deployed across the zoo to provide relief to both animals and birds so that no inmate should suffer from heat-related illnesses. To help the animals cope with extreme heat, the zoo has introduced a fibre-rich diet for herbivorous animals, including watermelons and cucumbers, and added glucose to the liquid intake of the carnivorous animals.
Water coolers in shelter dens for lions, bears, and other animals, and cotton tents are in place for additional shade. The zoo authorities have also ensured a sufficient supply of water for bathing, swimming and drinking purposes for the animals. The zoo staff has been instructed to stay vigilant during peak heat hours and report any signs of distress or behavioural changes in the animals immediately. The zoo official said that the proactive measures taken by Jambu Zoo aim to mitigate the adverse effects of the heat wave on its inhabitants, ensuring their safety and comfort during this challenging period.