In Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo, yesterday had a detailed review of preparations being made by the administration for smooth conduct of annual Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra (SANJY) 2024. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that the senior functionaries of civil and police administration attended the meeting along with DGP, Administrative Secretaries, concerned Deputy Commissioners and other HoDs and representatives from Shri AmarnathJi Shrine Board (SASB) and BRO, IMD, Telecom Service providers and Disaster Management agencies.
The Chief Secretary took stock of measures taken, so far, by BRO regarding maintenance of tracks on both the Pahalgam and Baltal axis in light of the Supreme Court directions. He called for demarcation of safer zones for holding of langars and tentages for the pilgrims. The Chief Secretary also reviewed the measures to be taken by Health, Jal Shakti, PDD, Transport, IMD and other departments in providing hassle-free services to the pilgrims.