In Jammu and Kashmir, the Department of School Education, under the SVEEP initiative, organized a Chipko movement-inspired awareness program at City Forest Poonch. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that the event aimed to highlight the crucial role trees play in our lives and emphasize the importance of their protection. During the event, students from different schools participated by forming a human chain and hugging the trees, mirroring the famous Chipko movement to signify their commitment to safeguarding these vital natural resources. This powerful demonstration underscored the message that trees are indispensable for a healthy environment and sustainable future.
Chief Education Officer of Poonch, Bishambar Dass, who is also the Nodal Officer of SVEEP, led the ceremony by tying a ribbon around a tree as a mark of respect and dedication to tree conservation, symbolizing their pledge to protect them.
The awareness program concluded with a collective pledge to continue efforts in protecting the environment and promoting ecological sustainability.