In Jammu and Kashmir, the police today detained as many as 67 suspected people for questioning in connection with the killing of a civilian by two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists in a village in Rajouri district. During investigations in connection with the killing of the brother of an Army Jawan on Monday in Kunda village of Shahdara Sharief area of Thanna Mandi Sub-district of Rajouri district, credible evidence was obtained and the police identified one of the two terrorists involved in committing this act as a “foreign terrorist” with code name Abu Hamza.
The Police also released the pictures of Hamza and announced a cash reward of 10 lakh rupees for him. A case under relevant sections of law has been registered in Police Station Thanna Mandi and till now, 67 suspected persons have been detained for questioning post this incident. Mohammad Razaq (40) was killed on Monday in the Kunda Top village of the Thanamandi area. Razaq worked in the Social Welfare department of the J&K government while his brother Mohammad Tahir Choudhary is a soldier in the Territorial Army, who escaped unhurt.
The Police and security forces deployed in the twin border districts of the Rajouri-Poonch range are working in close synergy to neutralise this group and dismantle their support ecosystem. ADG, Police, Jammu zone, Anand Jain, on Tuesday, visited Rajouri to oversee and reinforce security measures in the border district.