Para swimmer Jiya Rai has become the world’s youngest and fastest female para swimmer to swim solo across the English Channel successfully. The 16-year-old covered the 34 km stretch, from Abbots Cliff in England to Pointe de la Courte-Dune in France, in 17 hours and 25 minutes on Sunday and Monday. She is an international open water para swimmer with a world record in open water swimming. Despite having a disability, she has many inspiring achievements to her credit, including swimming across Palk Bay earlier. Jiya Rai is a recipient of many international and national awards including the prestigious Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMB) – 2022 the highest award for citizens below 18 years of Age. She has dedicated her exceptional conquest of the English Channel to raising awareness about autism. She is the daughter of a naval personnel serving in Mumbai. The Indian Navy and the Mumbai-headquartered Western Naval Command have congratulated her for the feat and extended best wishes.
Site Admin | July 30, 2024 8:07 AM
Jiya Rai becomes world’s youngest & fastest female para swimmer to swim solo across English Channel