The Jharkhand BJP has issued a show cause notice to sitting Hazaribagh Lok Sabha MP Jayant Sinha for not casting his vote in the election. Hazaribagh, along with two other parliamentary seats, namely Chatra and Koderma, went to polls yesterday in the fifth phase of polling across the country and the second phase in Jharkhand.
The notice was issued by the party’s state general secretary Aaditya Sahu who said that the party’s image has been maligned as Sinha did not exercise his right to franchise. Sinha has been given two days time to reply to the show cause notice.
Jayant Sinha’s father and former Union Minister Yashwant Sinha exercised his right to franchise along with his wife.
Meanwhile, sitting MLA from Dhanbad and five block presidents have also been served show cause notices for not showing any interest in the election activities of the party and for not cooperating with the party candidate.