Janata Dal United today appointed Rajya Sabha MP and party leader Sanjay Jha as the party national executive president. Mr Jha was appointed at the party’s national executive meeting that featured JD(U) MPs, ministers, executive members, general secretaries, secretaries and state presidents.
Talking to media after his appointment, Mr Jha said that the party would try to expand its base in the coming times with the 2025 Assembly elections in Bihar in mind. He asserted that the party would once again form the government in Bihar and added that the NDA’s impressive performance in the recently held Lok Sabha elections is a proof of the people’s will. Mr Jha also declared that JD(U) would contest the Assembly elections in Jharkhand this year.
Meanwhile, JD(U) has also sought special category status or special financial package from the Union government for Bihar. After the party’s national executive meeting, Bihar Minister and JD(U) leader Dr Ashok Choudhary said that the special status and special package for Bihar was an old demand and still existent demand for JD(U). He added that the party leaders in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha will soon meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi to put forth their point.