In Jammu and Kashmir, Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Ramesh Kumar, yesterday visited district Ramban and reviewed the progress of National Highway works in the district at a meeting. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that the Deputy Commissioner Ramban apprised the Divisional Commissioner about the status of the works going on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway in the district. The Divisional Commissioner also reviewed the arrangements and preparations underway by the District Administration for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He emphasized the importance of diligent work by Accounting teams, Video Surveillance Teams, Flying Squad Teams, and Micro Expenditure Observers to ensure adherence to election expenditure regulations and guidelines laid out by the Election Commission of India.
The Divisional Commissioner also reviewed the transport plan for polling staff, mobilization of election machinery and secure dispatch and reception of EVMs in designated strong rooms post-poll and directed the officers of NHAI, BRO, PWD and PMGSY to ensure proper maintenance of NH-44 and their respective roads for smooth plying of traffic.