G20 Chief Coordinator Harsh Vardhan Shringla said that India’s G20 Presidency is unique and unparalleled in the history of G20. He said, many new initiatives have been taken under India’s Presidency of G20.
Speaking during an event in New Delhi today, Mr. Shringla said, Startup 20, Disaster Relief Reduction Group, meeting of Chief Scientists of G20, and G20 meeting on Cyber Security are some of the new initiatives started by India. Talking about India’s rapid pace of economic growth, he said, India is now the fastest-growing economy in the world and has become the fifth-largest economy. He expressed confidence that India will become the third-largest economy in the world by 2025.
He listed out various social welfare schemes taken by the government in the last nine years. He said, Har Ghar Jal Abhiyan, the construction of Houses for weaker sections of the society, the Sanitation drive, and Ayushman Bharat Scheme have brought transformative changes in the lives of citizens. He lauded the role of the Indian diaspora in the nation’s progress saying that they played an active role in successfully organising the G20 events. He said, Indian people living in several countries epitomize the finest value of Indian culture.