India’s electronics exports surged by 35.11 per cent to a two-year high of 3.58 billion dollars in December 2024 from 2.65 billion dollars in the same month of the previous year. Commerce Ministry said this reflects the increase in foreign demand for high-value Indian goods and rising domestic production capacities. The country’s electronic exports jumped by 28.6 per cent to 26.11 billion dollars in the April-December period of the current fiscal year, from 20.3 billion dollars during the same period in 2023-24. Electronics goods have emerged as the fastest-growing segment in India’s export basket as new manufacturing capacities have come up in the country driven by the success of the Centre’s production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme. Within the electronics sector smartphone exports have recorded a 45 percent increase in exports as leading players such as Apple and Samsung expand production in the country. The PLI scheme and quick clearances by the government are proving to be a major success.
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