The Indian Army has issued clarification on emoluments to Agniveer Ajay Kumar. In a social media post, the Army said, out of the total amount due, family of Agniveer Ajay has already been paid 98 lakh 39 thousand rupees. It said, ex-gratia and other benefits amounting to approximately 67 lakh rupees, as applicable according to the provisions of the Agniveer Scheme, will be paid on Final Account Settlement shortly post-due Police verification. The total amount will be around one crore 65 lakh rupees. The Army has re-emphasised that emoluments due to a fallen hero are paid expeditiously to the next of Kin of departed soldiers, including Agniveers.
The Indian Army clarification came in view of certain posts circulating on Social Media platforms that compensation has not been paid to the next of kin of Agniveer Ajay Kumar who lost his life in the line of duty.