Hirsh Vardhan Singh, an Indian-American engineer has become the third Indian-American vying for the Republican nomination for the 2024 US presidential race after former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. In a video message posted on Twitter on Thursday, Singh, introduced himself as a lifelong Republican and an 'America First constitutional carry and pro-life conservative' who helped restore the conservative wing of New Jersey’s Republican Party starting in 2017. He ran unsuccessfully for the US Senate in 2020, and the present bid is the fourth time the defence and aerospace industry executive is eyeing public office. According to a recent Morning Consult poll, 59 percent of voters support Trump, 16 percent would vote for DeSantis, 8 percent to Ramaswamy, 6 percent to Pence, and 2 percent to Scott. Born to Indian immigrant parents, Singh is armed with a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2009.