India has secured a spot in the global top 10 countries in Patents, Trademarks, and Industrial Designs in the World Intellectual Property Indicators 2024 report. The report reveals significant growth in patent, trademark, and industrial design applications across top economies. India continues to solidify its place as a global leader in the intellectual property, and IP landscape by showing substantial progress and marking new milestones in IP activity. Commerce and Industry Ministry said in a statement that India ranks sixth globally for patents with 64 thousand 480 applications, with resident filings accounting for over half of all submissions. The patent office also granted 149.4 per cent more patents in 2023 compared to the previous year, underlining the country’s fast-evolving IP ecosystem. The report indicates a steady rise of 36.4 per cent in India’s industrial design applications, which aligns with increasing emphasis on product design, manufacturing, and creative industries within India. The top three sectors-Textiles and Accessories, Tools and Machines, and Health and Cosmetics-made up almost half of all design filings.
Site Admin | November 12, 2024 5:14 PM
India in global top 10 for patents, trademarks & designs