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March 21, 2024 9:24 AM


India criticises Uniting for Consensus model at United Nations for opposing reforms to Security Council

India has criticised the Uniting for Consensus (UfC) model at the United Nations for opposing reforms to the Security Council, citing a lack of African, Global South representation and no change in permanent seat membership. India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj slammed the UfC model and stated that it stands against the idea advocated by a majority of the UN member states which is an expansion in the permanent and non permanent categories of an expanded security council. She said that the UfC, which comprises 12 countries and 2 observers including a P5 country , which stands against the idea advocated by a majority of the UN member states. which is an expansion in the permanent and non-permanent categories of an expanded security council, Kamboj said in a response to the UfC model presented by Italy at the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) meeting on UNSC reforms.


Kamboj asserted that UfC is just vetoing the whole process and has not provided any information regarding text-based negotiations within a set time frame. She said how does the model represent Africa, Latin America and Asia? Africa– a 54-member group, which calls for expansion in both categories of an expanded United Nations Security Council. Kamboj asked without representation, without a mandate, without a seat, without a voice, which representation entails, members of the global south would just come and go.

Kamboj emphasised that fair representation of Africa and the Global South in the permanent category is “non-negotiable” goal.