The Meteorological Department has predicted intense heat and heat waves in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh till May 30. According to the Meteorological Department, the temperature may increase by about 2 to 3 degrees Celsius in some parts of southern and western Punjab and Haryana and the temperature may reach 45 to 47 degrees Celsius. Similarly, the temperature is expected to remain between 43 to 45 degrees Celsius in the northern parts of Haryana and Punjab including Chandigarh.
The Meteorological Department has advised people to avoid heat and sun, wear light-coloured loose cotton clothes, keep their heads covered and drink sufficient amounts of water.
The Revenue and Disaster Management Department of Haryana has also issued an advisory to protect against heat waves. In the advisory, people walking in the sun, sportspersons, children, elderly and sick people have been advised to avoid heat waves in hot winds and increased temperature.