The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert over Tamil Nadu today due to the Cyclonic Storm Fengal. The IMD said the cyclone will move west-southwestwards slowly and weaken gradually into a deep depression. It added that the cyclone currently lies over north coastal Tamilnadu and Puducherry as a cyclonic storm with a wind speed of 65 to 75 kilometres per hour (kmph), gusting to 85 kmph. Heavy to very heavy rainfall with extremely heavy falls is forecast over north Tamil Nadu today, and over Interior Tamil Nadu tomorrow.
Heavy rainfall is expected over South Interior Karnataka, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, Rayalaseema, Kerala and Mahe tomorrow. Meanwhile, the weather agency has forecast dense fog conditions to prevail during late night and early morning hours in isolated parts of Uttar Pradesh today and tomorrow. In Delhi-NCR, smog and shallow to moderate fog are likely to be expected in the morning and night hours today along with clear sky during the day. Minimum temperatures will gradually rise by 3 to 5 degrees Celsius over Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada, and over Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh during the next 3 to 4 days.