Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur has congratulated the Film and Television Institute of India- FTII alumnus Payal Kapadia for winning the Grand Prix at the 77th Cannes Film Festival for her film All We Imagine as Light. In a social media post, Mr Thakur said that this makes it the first Grand Prix win for the country and a nomination in the Palme d’Or after 30 years. The Minister added that Bharat’s creative economy is indeed shining with 3 films winning awards this year at Cannes. Mr Thakur said that he is proud to share that this film is also the official co-production of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry and is supported by its Film Incentive Scheme. He added that the government is committed to provide resources, platforms and support to every aspiring filmmaker. He said, India is already the largest producer of feature films in the world and together we can make Bharat a formidable force in the creative sphere.
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